Selasa, 07 Januari 2014



Motivational Trainer, Book Writer, and

MURI Record Holder as Education Motivational Trainer

Our motivational training gives you the motivation, leadership, development skill, excellent service skill, management development, entrepreneurial skill, to get you from you are now, to where you want to be, in a FAST manner.
Teaching Experiences :
Lecturer at Department of Agroindustrial Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Bogor Agricultural University since 1982, and Faculty of Economic and Management, since 2001.
Subject matter teaching for S1 (Under Graduate):
1)     Entrepreneurship
2)     Principles of Management
3)     Operational Research
4)     Production and Operation Management
5)     Quantitative Methods
6)     Optimation Techniques
7)     Industrial Project Planning
8)     Economics Engineering
Subject matter teaching for S2 (Post Graduate: MMA, MPI)
1)     Production and Operation Management
2)     Organization  Management
Experiences as Trainer :
Experienced since 1995 as Training Coordinator for Training for Field Consultant of Cooperative and SME Deparment, located in 4 provinces (West Java, Bali, South Sumatera, South Sulawesi).
  • Main trainer on Excellent Service for Bank Of Tokyo officers, Novotel, Bogor, 2007.
  • Main Trainer of  Leadership skills building for teachers of SMA Budi Mulya Bogor, Juni, 2007
  • Main Trainer of Softskills development training for teachers of SMAN 1 Bogor, April 2006, Bogor.
  • Soft Skill training for pre-pension employee, PT Sampoerna, Malang, Nov. 2006
  • Main Trainer of Excellent Service training for Bogor Medical Center, 2006, Bogor.
  • Trainer of excellent service training, 2006, GlobalReach College, Bogor.
  • Trainer of entrepreneurship training for pre-pension POLRI (2004 – 2007), FEM-IPB.
  • Trainer of entrepreuneurship training for pre-pension employees of BRI (2004 – 2007), LMAA, Bogor.
  • Trainer on PPIC and Direct Selling (One-on-one selling and Telemarketing)
  • Training on Retooling Program Batch II-2005. TPSDP-P2SDM. PT Prima Kelola IPB. Bogor (Biology, Agriculture Engineering, Plant Breeding).
  • Speaker on Training on Entrepreneurship. Pusat Pengembangan Export Import (PPEI). Jakarta. 2004-2005
  • Speaker on Training on Quality Assurance. University of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa. Banten, 2004.
  • Speaker on Training on Entrepreneurship for Unair Outstanding Students. Surabaya. 2004
  • Speaker on Training on Leadership for ISTA Akprind Lecturers. Jogyakarta. 2004.
  • Speaker on Training on Entrepreneurship for IPB student. 2003-2004.
  • Speaker on Training on Motivator for Village Development; in 1997-1998. Recruited from 27 provinces Bandung-West Java, in cooperation with Sport, Youth and non-formal Directorate (Diklusepora) of MOE.
  • Speaker on Training on Training of the trainers (ToT) of Farmer Empowerment: Participants recruited from 13 provinces: 1998, Bogor. In cooperation with MOA and MCopSME.
Books :
  • Sistem Informasi Manajemen, Erlangga, Jakarta, 1986 (translator)
  • Teori dan Aplikasi Teknik Peramalan, Erlangga, Jakarta, 1988 (translator)
  • Manajemen Produksi dan Operasi, Remaja Karya, Bandung, 1986 (translator)
  • Hidup Makmur dan Bermakna Pilihan Anda, GradhikaPress, Jakarta, 2002 (Author)
  • Berani Sukses, Gradhika Press, Jakarta, 2003 (Author)
  • Refuse to Lose, Britz Press, Jakarta.  2005. (Author)
  • Grafik-grafik Kehidupan, Britz Press, Jakarta. 2005 (Author)
  • Box Breaker  (Pendobrak Kotak), Britz Press, Jakarta. 2006 (Author)

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